How I Came to Follow Jesus


My story of hearing about Christ began when some missionaries started

a meeting in my neighbor’s house. My older daughter S was a friend with

my neighbor’s daughter Y and every time the missionary came she would

invite my daughter and they would gather in that house and learn about

the Bible and Jesus.

My husband was alive in that time, and He found out that they teach Bible  and teach about Jesus there. So he forbade S to go. She came to me and  started to share with me about her experience, how she believed in Christ  and repented. I understood that my daughter had changed her faith from

Muslim to Christianity. I was angry and did not like that at all, but I did not share this with my husband, knowing what reaction He would do.

During that time my younger daughter met a young man who had a Muslim name, and he came and asked the hand of our younger daughter, which my husband approved not knowing that He was a believer in Jesus, and also the brother of a Christian preacher. In about seven months time, He married my younger daughter, and then some months later, his older brother comes in my neighborhood and speaks to a crowd of people out in tent meeting that my oldest daughter and other young people attended secretly and without my permission. This preacher, who was now brother in law to my younger daughter, came and visited us and spoke to our family about sin, forgiveness of sin and salvation that is offered by Jesus. He challenged my family to repent and believe, something that my husband refused categorically. To make the long story short, several weeks later I found out that my older daughter was dating this preacher in a hidden way, which made me think that he is fake and not a believer at all in any kind of religion,  that he preaches just to change our religion, and that he is paid by that other German missionary. Sometime later he came and visited us again, asking the hand of my daughter in marriage, something that was refused instantly from my husband and me. We did not like that.

Three months after his visit, my daughter left and went and married him, which was hard for my family since my husband was making plans to kill him, because He showed disrespect for our family. The worst came when two weeks after the marriage, he came and entered inside of the house with our daughter. They took a seat at a table in the yard and called my husband, challenging him to reconcile with them or to kill them both. Something that my husband really liked was his courage and boldness, so he gave a right hand to him and accepted him as son. My husband had a sympathy for the son-in-law if he was brave, and he saw that in this man. That made him really happy and also made him forget that he belongs to different religion and has a completely different faith.

Several years later, after the unexplained disappearance of my husband, I started to have a pain in my heart. My blood pressure would move up and down, and my head was in pain. My older daughter S came to visit me, and she started to share with me, telling me if I repent and ask the Lord Jesus for forgiveness of my sin and accept him by declaring and believing that He is God, He will give me peace and heal my heart. I had no option; truth was spoken in my face. Though I had heard it many times and deep down knew they are right and I knew their lives were different,  I had rejected it. This time I decided to make a step, and I said to my daughter in tears, “Teach me how to confess my sins and become a believer.” After a prayer with my daughter, I felt peace, and somehow I knew Lord had touched my body and healed it, which later a doctor confirmed that it was true. I was healed in my body.

That’s how I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ, and I challenge any of you reading this, to make a commitment, repent of your sins and give  your life to Christ by believing in Him. Then declare Him to others as Lord and God of your life.


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