Tag Archives: Argolida Kela Education Project

How God called me.

Argolida Kela with girl from Haiti

My name is Argolida Kela and I’m from Kosovo. I grew up in a Muslim family.

We are all 6 members, my parents, my older brother Lirik, me then my sister Artina and my youngest brother Lirim.When I was 8 years old I was exposed to a war that happened in Kosovo (my country) with Serbia. The war was severe and it affected in how I viewed things and how I grew up. When I was 9 years old, one of my friends invited me to go to this “church”, because during that time it was an organization to help kids that had been influenced by the war. I really did like it there. I felt more alive, more joyful. My life and behavior started to change day by day.

When I was 9 I accepted Jesus in my life and since then I walk with the Lord, holding His hands as I face trials and temptations, knowing and realizing that I don’t want to be the wandering sheep anymore, I want to be changed and shaped by His Presence. It was not easy to grow in Jesus, the discipline by the Father was worth it because I wouldn’t be where I am right now if I would have given up. ‘Never quit, never let it go,’ was my stubbornness in Jesus. But the other part was holding onto hope because I knew one day I would be able to face the storms that come in my life by allowing Jesus to be strong in my weaknesses.

My family is not rich enough to pay for my education, but my Heavenly Father, the one who created me, the one who is the head of my family table, is able to provide for my education and everything I need in my life. I did Discipleship Training School (DTS), in YWAM (YouthWithAMission) in Lakeside, Montana in 2010. We were trained how to be missionaries and grow in the Lord. We had 3 months lecture and 2 months we went somewhere to actually practice what we had learned. I felt I was supposed to go to Haiti, which was a completely new experience for me. God’s hand worked miraculously through our team which of 12, including our leaders. After that I did School of Biblical Studies in the same base, YWAM, Lakeside, Montana, where I studied the Bible 9 months really intensely. That completely changed my perspective even how I viewed people. Going back to the provision, God provided every single cent for both training.

Waiting anxiously to go to college in United States after I went back home in 2012 from YWAM, God closed the doors. I was so confused, I didn’t know what to think anymore, but Proverbs 16:9, “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps,” was planted in my heart. I trusted that He would do His way. I gave up my own plans and relied on Him even though it was hard. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your hear, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths.” During that year I was having a Bible study with the youth in my church that my Pastor Skender Hoti started years ago, even when I was part of it, growing up as a kid. During the year, my two youngest siblings became Christians, Artina who is 17 and my younger brother Lirim who is 16. It has passed a year since they became Christians. There was no greater joy for me to be witness to their conversion. It was worth it to be home for a year. God didn’t stop with that; my two cousins that I live with became Christians, and Jesus is moving in my other family members’ hearts. God opened the doors after praying and praying.

I applied to Moody Bible Institute and was accepted, even though people said it was hard to get accepted. God provided for my tuition and He will continue to provide for the rest of the education. I am a third year studying Communications but in the same time Biblical Studies (it’s a double major). I am so thankful to be part of this community. God never ceases to surprise us and make us taste His Presence and joyfulness through everything in this life. Without Him I wouldn’t have anything I have right now. Suffering, trials, downs and messing up are things that grow us in walking with Him, always being reminded to go before Him with a sincere heart full of repentance so that it can be acceptable before God.

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