Tag Archives: Selman Zenuni

How I met Pastor Skender

By: Pastor Selmani

       In June 2001 there was a three-day conference in Gjakova, and that’s when I met Pastor Skender.
WhatsApp Image 2018-03-03 at 20.12.57 This was the only time I met with him briefly.
Indeed, a long period of time passed and
Skender and I didn’t have
any contact.
However, in 2004, we started having Pastors’ meetings and
it was during that time that I took charge of Besimi Biblik (Biblical Faith) church in Kosovo. It was then, that Skender

and I started having more meaningful and long conversations.
I liked his character and his words would match his actions. He was straightforward and would not talk behind anyone’s back.
So, our friendship started to get stronger. And we started to have more interactions with each other. I and the other leaders of Besimi Biblik (Biblical Faith) started inviting Pastor Skender to preach in our church and in other gatherings we had. From all the
twelve leaders from other churches in the city of Gjakova,
the deepest connection remained with Skender.
Therefore, we started to collaborate together and I sent some youth from my church in his camp in Deqan (a city in Kosovo).
So we continued our collaboration and friendship till the moment God decided to separate us.
Now, the work that I do for the glory of God is that I have four to five services in the villages of Kosovo with Besimi Biblik (Biblical Faith) church. When Roger was alive, he also came with me to visit this church so that he can see the services. And now, these services are part of Mission Kosovo team. It all happened because of me
and Skender wanting to work together for the Kingdom of God.  Now, Roger Primrose was a missionary who founded the work in Gjakova that became Mission Kosovo (Pastor Skender’s
Church Congregation).
Now, what I work extra is preaching every Sunday in Mission Kosovo church, prayer meetings, visiting families and evangelizing in these families.
I’m also helping Valbona and the kids with errands and things they need, especially looking for an apartment that is legal and affordable for them.
I would like to start youth ministry, children ministry, Bible studies but for now, we don’t have a building to gather properly and that’s the barrier. Please keep us in your prayers.